Growing up in the 1980s, many of us believed we needed to settle for jobs we disliked slightly less than the ones we were expected to pursue but couldn't afford or didn't have the confidence to chase after our dream careers. If only we had received the support from others that we now extend to those around us.
Currently this whole project is bootstrapped from our day jobs…
…But just in case we turn a profit.
We want it written in stone from the outset we believe in helping people make cool shit.
It’s kinda our motto “make cool shit”..
Introducing our LKiDT Charter the…
LoreKeeper INDIE Development Trust
1. The LoreKeeper Indie Development Trust (LKiDT)
2. Purpose:
The main objective of the LKiDT is to contribute 5% of the annual profits from LoreKeeper to support and uplift independent creators in the TTRPG (tabletop role-playing game) community. The funds will be used to transform ideas into reality, encouraging and fostering innovation, creativity, and growth within the indie TTRPG development and illustration sectors.
3. Beneficiaries:
The primary beneficiaries of the LKiDT will be independent TTRPG developers and illustrators who need financial assistance to unlock their potential and contribute to their creative ecosystem.
4. Governance:
The Trust will be managed by a committee of LoreKeeper executives and independent industry experts. The committee will undertake and oversee the decisions related to fund disbursement.
5. Fund Disbursement:
The LKiDT will establish a fair, comprehensive, and transparent process for the allocation of funds. This will include an open call for submissions, an extensive reviewing process, and a fair selection considering each project's contribution and potential impact in the TTRPG industry, and its need for financial support.
6. Transparency and Accountability:
Strict measures will be implemented to ensure transparency and accountability in the allocation of funds. Regular audits will be performed and reports will be published on the official platform of LoreKeeper, fostering trust and accountability.
7. Amendments:
The charter can be amended, in part or in whole, by consensus among the members of the governing committee. Any changes to the charter will be made publicly available in the interest of transparency.
8. Dissolution:
In the event of dissolution, any remaining funds will be donated to other non-profit organizations serving the TTRPG community, as decided by the committee.
This Charter serves as a commitment to cultivating a vibrant, innovative, and diverse community of indie TTRPG developers and illustrators. The LoreKeeper Development Trust is dedicated to enabling their growth and potential while contributing positively to the evolution of the TTRPG industry.